Announcing the Launch of Carenet AI - Our Healthcare Market Intelligence Platform
Today we’re excited to announce the launch of Carenet AI, our market intelligence platform specifically built for the healthcare industry.
Carenet AI is a new brand that speaks directly to the needs of the commercial teams of companies selling into healthcare facilities across the United States. With Carenet AI, commercial healthcare and med-tech teams selling into nursing homes, doctor’s offices, long-term care facilities, hospitals and other clinical care facilities have the ability to get a dynamic feed of their ideal customer targets based on digital signals emitted daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly.
For each customer, Carenet AI identifies the relevant combination of data containing their ideal customer signals then combines and scores it to automate prospecting. This eliminates the need for them to invest in data science and data engineering infrastructure to make their commercial data actionable.
The healthcare market is the perfect entry point for the commercialization of the Rehinged AI platform. While there are some data options available in the healthcare space, the challenge for commercial teams is twofold: good, reliable data is expensive, and more importantly, it’s very difficult to make that data actionable for a commercial team. Carenet AI solves both of these problems.
Actionable data is the holy grail for the teams forced to sell from their home office, instead of meeting directly with doctors and care providers.
Teams access the Carenet AI platform through a SaaS subscription.
To learn more, create a free trial today or contact us.
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