Your perfect healthcare targets

Get smarter healthcare data scored to match your ideal customer profile.

Wound Care Alert
A SNF needs negative pressure ulcer equipment.
Surgical Equipment Need
20 doctors in Denver are fits for the new Da Vinci SP.
Falls Alert
A long-term acute care facility needs to prevent falls.
Oncologist Match
10 oncologists perform our exact techniques combo.
Assisted Living
30 ALFs are exact matches for our memory care.
Top Chiropractor Match
1,267 treating with implantable neurostimulator.
Home Care Alert
26 require our new mobility line.
Med Spa Matches
539 across the US are ideal fits for our skin care products.
Incontinence Improvement
79 SNFs have an immediate need to improve treatment.
Pain Doctors Match
546 match for our radiofrequency ablation.
Hospice Alert
310 signalling need for our communication training.
Assisted Living Match
52 West Coast facilities require our speech therapy.
Rehinged Automated Intelligence

Dynamic healthcare intelligence designed for sales reps

Get the targeting intelligence you need to hit
your number - at a price you can afford.

Powerful Big Data

Leverage modern technology instead of old static lists.

Scored for You

Use AI to receive the top targets scored for your product or service.

To Customize Your Pitch

Understand what to say based on the data and scoring.


A New Way to Analyze Healthcare Providers

Our AI platform ingests and interprets disparate sources
of big healthcare data at scale.


Automated sales targeting

Imagine having your entire healthcare provider target population scored to match your ideal customer profile.

Wound Care Alert
A SNF needs negative pressure ulcer equipment.
Assisted Living Matches
30 ALFs are exact matches for our memory care.
Sales & Marketing Team - Automated Intelligence
Pain Doctors Match
546 are perfect targets for our radiofrequency ablation.
Oncologist Match
10 oncologists perform our exact techniques combo.
Operations & Finance - Automated Intelligence
Top Chiropractor Match
1,267 treating with implantable neurostimulator.
Med Spa Matches
539 across the US are ideal fits for our skin care products.
Operations & Finance Team- Rehinged
Dealer Matches for Wound Care
65 small dealers match our negative pressure devices.
Dealer Matches for Robotic Surgery
25 specialty dealers are matches for our new line.
Strategy Team - Automated Business Intelligence

Combining disparate sources of big healthcare data

Access the intelligence typically held by the C-suite, product development and enterprise corporate marketing teams.

Prescriptions and procedures

Prescriptions, ICD-10s, HCPCS and combinations by physicians and NPs.

Equipment used

DME, prosthetics, orthotics, supplies and non-durable medical equipment.

Specialties & events

Skills and experience of the caregivers and events from inside the building.

Billing & payment types

Volume and cost numbers and acceptance of private pay.

Services & treatments

Types of care the facility offers and treatments performed.

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